Suljhao, Magar
Pyaar Se!
Suljhao, Magar
Pyaar Se!
Sama helps businesses and individuals resolve disputes quickly, fairly, and completely online.
Sama helps businesses and individuals
resolve disputes quickly, fairly,
and completely online.
Sama helps businesses and individuals resolve disputes quickly, fairly, and completely online.
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Our Users
Our Users
Our Users
Sama is building a better way for everyone to resolve disputes. We're reimagining access to justice as collaborative, completely online, and accessible to all.
We are an Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform and enable dispute resolution services like Online Mediation, Online Arbitration, Online Lok Adalat etc.
Crunch the Numbers!
Crunch the Numbers!
2 Crore+
Disputes Filed on Sama
34 Lakh+
Disputes Resolved on Sama
45 Days
Average Resolution Time
Sama For Businesses
Businesses using Sama make immense savings in time spent per case, have lower legal costs, and can avoid adversarial processes that harm customer relationships.
Save Time
Save Time
Snapdeal was able to resolve over 50% of all
cases filed on Sama within 30 days via
Online Conciliation.
Snapdeal was able to resolve over 50% of all
cases filed on Sama within 30 days via
Online Conciliation.
Snapdeal was able to resolve over 50% of all cases filed on Sama within 30 days via Online Conciliation.
Lower Legal Costs
One of the largest private sector banks witnessed 90% savings in legal costs after using the Sama Med-Arb Clause.
One of the largest private sector banks witnessed 90% savings in legal costs after using the Sama Med-Arb Clause.
One of the largest private sector banks witnessed 90% savings in legal costs after using the Sama Med-Arb Clause.
Platform Features
Platform Features
Platform Features
Platform Features
Platform Features
Platform Features
Evidence Review
Evidence Review
Evidence Review
Upload documents and leave the rest to us. Using Computer Vision capabilities, Sama is able to map document types accurately. Seamless efficiency.
Case Filing
It's easier than ever to hit the ground running by filing cases on Sama directly via documents.
Detailed Insights across Cases
Detailed Insights across Cases
Detailed Insights across Cases
Dashboards on Sama help you quickly understand where along the dispute lifecycle your cases lie. They ensure you're on top of your cases always.
Dashboards on Sama help you quickly understand where along the dispute lifecycle your cases lie. They ensure you're on top of your cases always.
Transcription Support
Transcription Support
Transcription Support
Service calls are recorded and transcripts made available instantly, using LLM's to deliver results reliably and at scale.
Legally enforceable,
always reliable
Sama's awards are legally binding decrees. Rest assured
in the integrity and enforceability of case outcomes.
Sama's awards are legally binding decrees. Rest assured in the integrity and enforceability of case outcomes.
Award Upheld in Saket Court, New Delhi
One of Sama's awards was challenged in Saket Court and upheld. You can place utmost confidence in our process.
Secure & Trusted
Secure & Trusted Platform
Sama's ODR platform ensures secure hosting with servers in India, strong encryption and is ISO 27001 compliant.
Panel-based Appointment
Arbitrators and Mediators are appointed via a Panel of 3000+ Neutrals available at Sama, from across 500+ districts in India.
"Using Sama, ICICI Bank has been able to provide its customers with a much quicker way to resolve disptues. ODR is a big boost to reduce the number of cases reaching court while making dispute resolution acccessible from anywhere for our customers and resolving disputes amicably."
Nilanjan Sinha
Group General Counsel, ICICI Bank
"With Sama, we were able to resolve over 1800 cases in 30 days. The final outcome was 450% more than what we had initially expected"
Manish Jain
Head, Legal Department, Bajaj Markets, ex-Udaan
"This is the most beautiful platform to resolve disputes. We started our ODR journey through Sama and are grateful to Sama."
Shri Dinesh Surana
ex-Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority
"Using Sama, ICICI Bank has been able to provide its customers with a much quicker way to resolve disptues. ODR is a big boost to reduce the number of cases reaching court while making dispute resolution acccessible from anywhere for our customers and resolving disputes amicably."
Nilanjan Sinha
Group General Counsel, ICICI Bank
"With Sama, we were able to resolve over 1800 cases in 30 days. The final outcome was 450% more than what we had initially expected"
Manish Jain
Head, Legal Department, Bajaj Markets, ex-Udaan
"This is the most beautiful platform to resolve disputes. We started our ODR journey through Sama and are grateful to Sama."
Shri Dinesh Surana
ex-Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority
"Using Sama, ICICI Bank has been able to provide its customers with a much quicker way to resolve disptues. ODR is a big boost to reduce the number of cases reaching court while making dispute resolution acccessible from anywhere for our customers and resolving disputes amicably."
Nilanjan Sinha
Group General Counsel, ICICI Bank
"With Sama, we were able to resolve over 1800 cases in 30 days. The final outcome was 450% more than what we had initially expected"
Manish Jain
Head, Legal Department, Bajaj Markets, ex-Udaan
"This is the most beautiful platform to resolve disputes. We started our ODR journey through Sama and are grateful to Sama."
Shri Dinesh Surana
ex-Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority
"Using Sama, ICICI Bank has been able to provide its customers with a much quicker way to resolve disptues. ODR is a big boost to reduce the number of cases reaching court while making dispute resolution acccessible from anywhere for our customers and resolving disputes amicably."
Nilanjan Sinha
Group General Counsel, ICICI Bank
"With Sama, we were able to resolve over 1800 cases in 30 days. The final outcome was 450% more than what we had initially expected"
Manish Jain
Head, Legal Department, Bajaj Markets, ex-Udaan
"This is the most beautiful platform to resolve disputes. We started our ODR journey through Sama and are grateful to Sama."
Shri Dinesh Surana
ex-Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority
"Using Sama, ICICI Bank has been able to provide its customers with a much quicker way to resolve disptues. ODR is a big boost to reduce the number of cases reaching court while making dispute resolution acccessible from anywhere for our customers and resolving disputes amicably."
Nilanjan Sinha
Group General Counsel, ICICI Bank
"With Sama, we were able to resolve over 1800 cases in 30 days. The final outcome was 450% more than what we had initially expected"
Manish Jain
Head, Legal Department, Bajaj Markets, ex-Udaan
"This is the most beautiful platform to resolve disputes. We started our ODR journey through Sama and are grateful to Sama."
Shri Dinesh Surana
ex-Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority
"Using Sama, ICICI Bank has been able to provide its customers with a much quicker way to resolve disptues. ODR is a big boost to reduce the number of cases reaching court while making dispute resolution acccessible from anywhere for our customers and resolving disputes amicably."
Nilanjan Sinha
Group General Counsel, ICICI Bank
"With Sama, we were able to resolve over 1800 cases in 30 days. The final outcome was 450% more than what we had initially expected"
Manish Jain
Head, Legal Department, Bajaj Markets, ex-Udaan
"This is the most beautiful platform to resolve disputes. We started our ODR journey through Sama and are grateful to Sama."
Shri Dinesh Surana
ex-Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority
"Using Sama, ICICI Bank has been able to provide its customers with a much quicker way to resolve disptues. ODR is a big boost to reduce the number of cases reaching court while making dispute resolution acccessible from anywhere for our customers and resolving disputes amicably."
Nilanjan Sinha
Group General Counsel, ICICI Bank
"With Sama, we were able to resolve over 1800 cases in 30 days. The final outcome was 450% more than what we had initially expected"
Manish Jain
Head, Legal Department, Bajaj Markets, ex-Udaan
"This is the most beautiful platform to resolve disputes. We started our ODR journey through Sama and are grateful to Sama."
Shri Dinesh Surana
ex-Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority
"Using Sama, ICICI Bank has been able to provide its customers with a much quicker way to resolve disptues. ODR is a big boost to reduce the number of cases reaching court while making dispute resolution acccessible from anywhere for our customers and resolving disputes amicably."
Nilanjan Sinha
Group General Counsel, ICICI Bank
"With Sama, we were able to resolve over 1800 cases in 30 days. The final outcome was 450% more than what we had initially expected"
Manish Jain
Head, Legal Department, Bajaj Markets, ex-Udaan
"This is the most beautiful platform to resolve disputes. We started our ODR journey through Sama and are grateful to Sama."
Shri Dinesh Surana
ex-Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority
"Using Sama, ICICI Bank has been able to provide its customers with a much quicker way to resolve disptues. ODR is a big boost to reduce the number of cases reaching court while making dispute resolution acccessible from anywhere for our customers and resolving disputes amicably."
Nilanjan Sinha
Group General Counsel, ICICI Bank
"With Sama, we were able to resolve over 1800 cases in 30 days. The final outcome was 450% more than what we had initially expected"
Manish Jain
Head, Legal Department, Bajaj Markets, ex-Udaan
"This is the most beautiful platform to resolve disputes. We started our ODR journey through Sama and are grateful to Sama."
Shri Dinesh Surana
ex-Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority
"Using Sama, ICICI Bank has been able to provide its customers with a much quicker way to resolve disptues. ODR is a big boost to reduce the number of cases reaching court while making dispute resolution acccessible from anywhere for our customers and resolving disputes amicably."
Nilanjan Sinha
Group General Counsel, ICICI Bank
"With Sama, we were able to resolve over 1800 cases in 30 days. The final outcome was 450% more than what we had initially expected"
Manish Jain
Head, Legal Department, Bajaj Markets, ex-Udaan
"This is the most beautiful platform to resolve disputes. We started our ODR journey through Sama and are grateful to Sama."
Shri Dinesh Surana
ex-Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority
"Using Sama, ICICI Bank has been able to provide its customers with a much quicker way to resolve disptues. ODR is a big boost to reduce the number of cases reaching court while making dispute resolution acccessible from anywhere for our customers and resolving disputes amicably."
Nilanjan Sinha
Group General Counsel, ICICI Bank
"With Sama, we were able to resolve over 1800 cases in 30 days. The final outcome was 450% more than what we had initially expected"
Manish Jain
Head, Legal Department, Bajaj Markets, ex-Udaan
"This is the most beautiful platform to resolve disputes. We started our ODR journey through Sama and are grateful to Sama."
Shri Dinesh Surana
ex-Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority
"Using Sama, ICICI Bank has been able to provide its customers with a much quicker way to resolve disptues. ODR is a big boost to reduce the number of cases reaching court while making dispute resolution acccessible from anywhere for our customers and resolving disputes amicably."
Nilanjan Sinha
Group General Counsel, ICICI Bank
"With Sama, we were able to resolve over 1800 cases in 30 days. The final outcome was 450% more than what we had initially expected"
Manish Jain
Head, Legal Department, Bajaj Markets, ex-Udaan
"This is the most beautiful platform to resolve disputes. We started our ODR journey through Sama and are grateful to Sama."
Shri Dinesh Surana
ex-Member Secretary, Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority
Trusted by both
Public & Private
by both
Public & Private
Sama has partnered with Institutions and Platforms across
the country to enable Online Dispute Resolution for everyone.
Read about our public domain projects here.
Sama has partnered with Institutions across the country to enable Online Dispute Resolution for everyone.
Government Bodies
Govt Bodies
Let's Chat!
Drop us a line by filling the form below
or email us on
Drop us a line by filling the form
below or email us on
Sama for Individuals
Individuals can now get a 60 minute consultation on Sama from a highly qualified subject matter expert. If the matter is suitable for ODR, it will be filed on Sama for Online Mediation!
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Ab Banegi Baat, Sama ke Saath
Ab Banegi Baat,
Sama ke Saath
Ab Banegi Baat,
Sama ke Saath
Consultation on Sama costs Rs. 2500 Rs. 1000 (Shark Tank Special 60% off!). Please read the FAQ's before filing.
Consultation on Sama costs Rs. 2500
Rs. 1000 (Shark Tank Special 60% off!). Please read the FAQ's before filing.
Sama for Lawyers & Law Students
Shape the future of Dispute Resolution in India!
If you're a lawyer or law student interested in driving change in India's justice system with Online Dispute Resolution, Sama is looking for you!
Don’t take our word for it.
Hear from the Resolutionaries!
Don’t take our
word for it. Hear from the Resolutionaries!
Don’t take our word for it.
Hear from the Resolutionaries!
It was 2019. The tagline Suljhao, Magar Pyaar Se, immediately tugged at my heart string. I joined Sama and it has been such a satisfying journey.
Sangeeta Mehrotra
Lawyer, Supreme Court
It was 2019. The tagline Suljhao, Magar Pyaar Se, immediately tugged at my heart string. I joined Sama and it has been such a satisfying journey.
Sangeeta Mehrotra
Lawyer, Supreme Court
It was 2019. The tagline Suljhao, Magar Pyaar Se, immediately tugged at my heart string. I joined Sama and it has been such a satisfying journey.
Sangeeta Mehrotra
Lawyer, Supreme Court
"समाधान एक सोच है, जिसे करे साकार, हमारा यह सामा ओडीआर-परिवार" मैं तो जुड़ चुका हूं -आपको है किसका इंतज़ार।
Arif Madani
Retired District Court Judge, Rajasthan
"समाधान एक सोच है, जिसे करे साकार, हमारा यह सामा ओडीआर-परिवार" मैं तो जुड़ चुका हूं -आपको है किसका इंतज़ार।
Arif Madani
Retired District Court Judge, Rajasthan
"समाधान एक सोच है, जिसे करे साकार, हमारा यह सामा ओडीआर-परिवार" मैं तो जुड़ चुका हूं -आपको है किसका इंतज़ार।
Arif Madani
Retired District Court Judge, Rajasthan
In my five years of experience with SAMA, ODR has broadened access to justice, overcoming geographical barriers and ensuring fairness for all.
Anilesh Tewari
Lawyer, AT Law Chambers
In my five years of experience with SAMA, ODR has broadened access to justice, overcoming geographical barriers and ensuring fairness for all.
Anilesh Tewari
AT Law Chambers
In my five years of experience with SAMA, ODR has broadened access to justice, overcoming geographical barriers and ensuring fairness for all.
Anilesh Tewari
AT Law Chambers
Step 1
Complete Sama's Course
A 15-hour self-paced ODR course that is compliant with NITI Aayog and ICODR guidelines.
Step 2
Begin a Career in ODR
Course graduates are eligible for Case Management, Mediation or Arbitration on Sama!
Become a Resolutionary Today.
Become a Resolutionary Today.
Become a Resolutionary Today.
Team Sama
We’re a team passionate about making true a reality where disputes are resolved quickly, fairly, and completely online. Say hi on!
Fullstack Developer
Gaurav Meena
Business & Operations
Divyesh Rao
Tech Lead
Shraddha Paghdar
Frontend Developer
Sirri Mary
Senior Associate, Business & Operations
Srishti Joshi
Engineering Manager
Sayak Mukherjee
Pranjal Sinha
Vikram Kumar
Akshetha Ashok
Head of Sales
Jishnu Veetil
Product Manager
Paul T Thottan
Backend Developer
Anjali Mehendiratta
Head, Government Projects
Ajitesh Priyadarshi
Business & Operations
Vidur Goyal
Business & Operations
Sushmita Sen
Business & Operations
Ziya Fatima
Business & Operations
Swpnil Goswami
Business & Operations
Syed Mohd. Tayyab
Fullstack Developer
Gaurav Meena
Business & Operations
Divyesh Rao
Tech Lead
Shraddha Paghdar
Frontend Developer
Sirri Mary
Senior Associate, Business & Operations
Srishti Joshi
Engineering Manager
Sayak Mukherjee
Pranjal Sinha
Vikram Kumar
Akshetha Ashok
Head of Sales
Jishnu Veetil
Product Manager
Paul T Thottan
Backend Developer
Anjali Mehendiratta
Head, Government Projects
Ajitesh Priyadarshi
Business & Operations
Vidur Goyal
Business & Operations
Sushmita Sen
Business & Operations
Ziya Fatima
Business & Operations
Swpnil Goswami
Business & Operations
Syed Mohd. Tayyab
Pranjal Sinha
Akshetha Ashok
Akshetha Ashok
Vikram Kumar
Head of Sales
Jishnu Veetil
Product Manager
Paul T Thottan
Engineering Manager
Sayak Mukherjee
Fullstack Developer
Gaurav Meena
Fullstack Developer
Gaurav Meena
Associate, Business & Operations
Divyesh Rao
Associate, Business & Operations
Divyesh Rao
Tech Lead
Shraddha Paghdar
Tech Lead
Shraddha Paghdar
Frontend Developer
Sirri Mary
Senior Associate, Business & Operations
Srishti Joshi
Senior Associate, Business & Operations
Srishti Joshi
Associate, Business & Operations
Syed Mohd. Tayyab
Associate, Business & Operations
Syed Mohd. Tayyab
Associate, Business & Operations
Prajwal Dharwa
Backend Developer
Anjali Mehendiratta
Backend Developer
Anjali Mehendiratta
Head, Government Projects
Ajitesh Priyadarshi
Associate, Business & Operations
Vidur Goyal
Associate, Business & Operations
Vidur Goyal
Associate, Business & Operations
Ziya Fatima
Associate, Business & Operations
Ziya Fatima
Associate, Business
& Operations
Sushmita Sen
Associate, Business
& Operations
Sushmita Sen
Associate, Business & Operations
Swpnil Goswami
Associate, Business & Operations
Swpnil Goswami
Please note that Sama is not a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law or solicit Lawyers.
Sama is an advanced, technology platform designed to facilitate Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) services. We aim to provide an accessible and convenient way for users to seek guidance and support from independent professionals in resolving their disputes. All interactions or consultations facilitated through Sama are between users and independent professionals. Sama is not responsible for any advice or services provided by these independent professionals.
Our Registered Office Address is W-901, Rohan Jharokha 2, Yemalur, Near HAL Airport, Bangalore, 560038, Karnataka India.
Made in India, Pyaar se ❤
© 2024 ODRWays Solutions Private Limited. CIN - U74999KA2019PTC125645. All rights reserved.
Sama Helpline - 9855755798,
Please note that Sama is not a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law or solicit Lawyers. Sama is an advanced, technology platform designed to facilitate Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) services. We aim to provide an accessible and convenient way for users to seek guidance and support from independent professionals in resolving their disputes. All interactions or consultations facilitated through Sama are between users and independent professionals. Sama is not responsible for any advice or services provided by these independent professionals.
Our Registered Office Address is W-901, Rohan Jharokha 2, Yemalur, Near HAL Airport, Bangalore, 560038, Karnataka India.
Made in India, Pyaar se ❤
© 2024 ODRWays Solutions Private Limited. CIN - U74999KA2019PTC125645.
All rights reserved.
Sama Helpline - 9855755798,
Please note that Sama is not a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law or solicit Lawyers. Sama is an advanced, technology platform designed to facilitate Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) services. We aim to provide an accessible and convenient way for users to seek guidance and support from independent professionals in resolving their disputes. All interactions or consultations facilitated through Sama are between users and independent professionals. Sama is not responsible for any advice or services provided by these independent professionals.
Our Registered Office Address is W-901, Rohan Jharokha 2, Yemalur, Near HAL Airport, Bangalore, 560038, Karnataka India.
Made in India, Pyaar se ❤
© 2024 ODRWays Solutions
Private Limited.
CIN - U74999KA2019PTC125645.
All rights reserved. Sama Helpline - 9855755798,